Sunday, November 21, 2010

where is my mind?

Tragedy has struck...I have started dating.

Yes, it's true. But mostly out of boredom. And I'm contemplating quitting any day now. Of the 2 dates I have been on, both have been sufficiently awkward, and even more so than anticipated.

Contestant #1: Knew too much about pigeons, wanted to discuss most recent relationship failures within the first hour of date, shared a one bedroom apartment with 2 (yes, TWO) other people, had a roommate that was a self-proclaimed Fascist, and started a sentence with "I probably shouldn't tell you this but...". After the "but" came "I was committed when I was 16." FAIL.

Contestant #2: Friendly enough, but would look at me like a deer in headlights every time he finished answering whatever question I had just asked. So I would ask another. And another. And eventually I just ran out of ammunition, and had to resort to random statements like how much I dislike shellfish. Not a complete fail, but enough to make me wonder what the hell we would talk about if we ever hung out again.

So...I'll give it one more try. Then I'm throwing in the towel.

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