Thursday, November 25, 2010

london calling

It's funny how traveling makes you do things you normally wouldn't consider doing. Maybe it's the "hey, I'll never see these people again" idea, or maybe just that you're so jet lagged that these things just make sense.

For example. Today I went shopping, and noticed myself doing the following:
- Upon remembering which side of the road people walk/drive on here, I felt an overwhelming urge to correct people that were walking on the wrong side of the path. "Oh, excuse me sir, I don't know if you're aware, but people walk on the LEFT side of the path here. Just wanted to make sure you knew that."
- Purchasing a sandwich, and despite having enough coins to pay for it, instead handed the woman a 10 pound note for fear that I would be struggling too much in my wallet, and God forbid the woman think I'm a tourist or something.
- Considering buying a jumpsuit. Apparently they're all the rage here, and I saw one in a store that had a lace back and actually went back to the store to look at it again. "This would be a great idea."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Heheh, jumpsuit. It's okay, I think I've tried on a jumper (American jumper, not a sweatshirt). "Oh, this might look.. no."